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Why support Radical Recovery Ministries?



I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents

than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. 

(Luke 15:7, NASB)


Radical Recovery Ministries has witnessed how many churches tend to reach out only when they can attract large numbers or go to large numbers of people. It is basic business to focus on "return of investment." For example,  some of the local churches promote Easter egg hunts, October 31st "harvest festivals", and Christmas festivals in order to share Christ, which is not necessarily wrong. The problem is that there are individuals that aren't there whether it's because they have issues with churches in general, crowds, strangers, or transportation, and tend to be overlooked and thus feel that they are not worth the effort.

Radical Recovery Ministries not only sees they're worth the effort for Christ, but we also know where to find them. Theodore Roosevelt once said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." We don't have any secret method nor do we rely on any special events, although we do have special events from time to time. We are just actively GOING and making disciples every chance we have.


Here are some of the projects that we are currently praying about to help us reach out and give those without hope an opportunity to experience the very heart of Christ as we actively engage with those in the community. 



  • Radical Recovery Ministries is reaching inside jails and prisons with Radical Behind Bars to encourage men and women to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ and share the hope they have found with others in the same facilities. We send a monthly newsletter and also provide books for bible studies and evangelism materials. Almost every country is represented inside the prison walls making these men of God active participants in the Great Commission right next to the church outside those walls.


  • We wish to provide a Christ-centered transitional facility specifically for individuals recently released from incarceration. Reentry back into the community can be difficult for many and we wish to be a catalyst for their success.


  • Sober living residences and facilities that are Christ-centered as a springboard for individuals who struggle with homelessness due to mental health issues or chemical addiction recovery are vital yet very rare to find and we are seeking to provide such homes as God provides. 


  • ​For several years straight, we have hosted a Radical Thanksgiving Experience on Thanksgiving Day with each year drawing more and more people, including not only the homeless but the elderly, those without family, those living in motels, and the needy from every facet of life.


  • We are seeking partners to help provide families and individuals  exciting and sober celebrations for holidays including New Year's Eve, Superbowl Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, etc. 


Donations of funds, food, clothing, hygiene products (men and women), bicycles, vehicles, etc. are most welcomed.


More and more people are avoiding the church, not as much because of doctrines, but because of "Christians". They don't feel welcomed at most church when they do visit, in spite of the desire of many churches. We have therefore decided to take the message to them in a very personal way. We introduce ourselves by our names and inform them that we are here to bring them lunch. 9 out of 10 are thankful for the simple lunch and cold bottle of water. We share the gospel with everyone we meet. We then ask them if they need anything and if we can pray with them for anything. We have yet to have someone refuse prayer who has accepted a lunch.


Our goal is to create relationships for the purpose of sharing the hope that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have experienced wonderful blessings as we were witnesses to several men and women begin their new life in Christ and have been blessed when they find a local congregation to call "home."

Your financial partnership will help us further reach out with the hope of the Gospel and provide the resources that will assist us more effectively to be the hands and heart of Christ to those in our communities.

© 2019 by Radical Recovery Ministries

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